Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is just an overrated commercialized day and we don’t celebrate it our family …. Said no mother ever!
Mother’s Day is all about celebrating all the wonderful things your mum has done for you and forgetting about the things that niggle at you. Because don’t forget many of us are mothers too and I’m sure our children feel the same way if not now definitely in the future!
I heard an advert on the radio the other day that basically went like this “if your mum told you she doesn’t want a present this year, just time with you is present enough”, means you aren’t the best gift chooser and please don’t waste money on something I don’t want.
Now days it seems like we are spoilt for choice in the present department. Years ago a pot of chrysanthemums was the only choice you had for Mother’s Day.
You know what? It’s still a darn good choice.
Chrysanthemums are traditionally given at Mother’s Day as they flower profusely during autumn and they contain the word mum!
They are so many varieties of chrysanthemums available today; there is surely one to suit every mum.
The US National Chrysanthemum Society has derived that there are 13 different types of flower forms and over 100 different colours.
Potted chrysanthemums can flower for several weeks indoors but thrive best if placed in full sun. They can be grown in pots or in the garden. To keep them looking fantastic and to promote more flowers all spent flowers and discoloured leaves should be removed and liquid fertilised fortnightly. After flowering chrysanthemums should be cut back to about 15cm (6") high and be given some organic link complete organic fertiliser. They can have up to three flowerings a year.
If you don’t like the traditional Chrysanthemum, Trevallan Lifestyle Centre is overflowing with living flowering gifts. Cyclamens, azaleas, pansies, anthruiums, orchids, camellias, roses are all in bloom, look fantastic and are easy to care for – even brown thumb mums should enjoy all of these!
Team any of these plants with a beautiful planter and you have the perfect present even if your mum doesn’t have a garden. Planters are a little different from normal pots in that they don’t have a hole in the bottom. With a planter you just place the plant inside the planter, no potting. They are great for indoors as you can still give your plants a good drink without having the water running everywhere problem. Just don’t over water!
With every present you give though, don’t forget to give a little of your time as well. Even though we are adults we are still our mum’s children. She just wants the best for us – so ignore the so called mothering insanity and give her a hug and kiss and let you know you love her. Because while a mother’s love is unconditional we as children need to reassure them that our love is unconditional too!
Best Cut Flowers
I love the cooler weather. I know the days are still warm but the nights have that glorious cool tinge.
All the plants I love to surround myself with are now in bloom or coming into bloom.
I love gift giving at this time of year. I don’t do cut flowers, of course! I want my gifts to last a little longer but I also know not everyone has a green finger so I don’t want them to stress about my gift.
Which is why I always love giving
Cyclamens aren’t fussy which is why they are the perfect gift.
I always tell people “treat them cold keep them beautiful!”
Even though cyclamens grow fantastically indoors they love the cold; it seems to refresh and revitalise them. Every few days you should give your cyclamens a drink, wetting soil and foliage and put them outside for the night. They will appreciate the cold frosty morning!
I find just a good watering every few days is fine. I always like to place my cyclamens in a planter. Planters are a little different from normal pots in that they don’t have a hole in the bottom. With a planter you just place the plant inside the planter, no potting. They are great for indoors as you can still give your plants a good drink without having the water running everywhere problem. Just don’t over water.
Cyclamens appreciate a regular liquid fertilise. I alternate every fortnight between Triple Boost and Silica and Potash Liquid fertilisers. The Triple Boost keeps them healthy and the Silica and Potash keeps them flowering. It is a good idea to remove the spent flowers. A spent cyclamen flower should never be cut off. Instead, remove tired blooms and stems by gently twisting off at the base and pulling them away from the main tuber.

A cyclamen will warm your soul even on the coldest morning. So don’t forget to spread the love this weekend.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Roses are Red
The rose has long been a source of fascination and meaningfulness for cultures around the world.
Cleopatra was believed to have covered the floor of her palace room with roses before Mark Antony visited for in those times anything which was said "under the rose" was deemed to be a secret.
Cleopatra was believed to have covered the floor of her palace room with roses before Mark Antony visited for in those times anything which was said "under the rose" was deemed to be a secret.
For many of us Queenslanders though how to keep roses looking amazing feels like a state secret.
I often stare in awe at the pictures in magazines of roses elsewhere in Australia. How dare they have the climatic conditions to grow these plants successfully? I suppose we can’t have everything – at least the maroons can play football!
I have never claimed to know the secrets of growing roses in a climate where for about six months of the year we have what feels like 100% humidity.
Many rose growers out there will probably have a small heart attack at my way of growing roses but that’s ok, my way is the right way for me and maybe if you’ve never had any success in the past it may become the right way for you.
The first thing I needed to realise was that my roses may never look like they do elsewhere. The humidity we suffer is the cause of most rose problems. No amount of sprays, fertilisers or correct planting techniques will change the problems humidity brings.
To combat most of the rose problems such as black spot, fungus, bud worm that occur during the warmer months I’d trim and fertilise.
I don’t spray.
During the really humid months most of my roses look like bare thorny sticks.
I find removing all the affected leaves, trimming back the plant and then fertilising with a slow release complete organic fertiliser like Organic Link works fantastically.
I always trim my roses like I am cutting the flowers off for a long stemmed vase. I personally can’t stand long straggly bushes so I make sure all my roses get a good prune continuously throughout the year.
After pruning you can use a product like Steriprune which is designed to protect wounds against infections and die back.
Come the cooler months and my roses are thick and lush and full of flowers.
The few leaves that do get black spot or mould just get pulled off and when the flowers die, I still trim the stem right back like I am cutting it for a long stemmed vase.
During the cooIer months I might sometimes spray with a pyrethrum based spray for insects or Searles' Rose Pro Black Spot & Insect Killer which takes care of a myriad of insects and diseases.
My roses are in full sun in pots and in the ground.
They get fertilised numerous times throughout the year with Organic Link and I’d try to regularly liquid fertilise them with Rose Triple Boost.
Having great roses and plants in general isn’t a state secret.
Which is why we are excited to have Des Warnock, our Fertiliser Guru, talking us through the ‘Secrets to a Healthy Garden, Organically’ at Trevallan Lifestyle Centre on Wednesday 30th April. Tickets are essential phone 3021 8630 for more details.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Winter Vegetables
Autumn. Warm Days, cool nights. Perfect for vegetable planting.
By now your vegetable
patch has been freshly composted and manured. It’s just waiting for you to
plant out.
basic cool season vegetables that I find grow well in most areas are – broccoli, beetroot (my favourite), cabbage,
cauliflower, leek, onions, shallots, silverbeet, spinach, snow peas,
strawberries (my other favourite), peas, kale and rhubarb.
If you don’t get a frost or you can cover
your vegetables - beans, lettuce, capsicum and tomatoes can also be grown.
If you get really cold you can give brussels
sprouts a go.
is the basic vegetable range; there are so many different variations on these
classic cooler weather vegetables.
In seedlings alone you can get about four
different versions of broccoli.
If your vegetable
patch consists of a variety of different sized pots don’t worry, there is a
large range of dwarf vegetables available in seedlings and seeds.
Leek, lettuce, capsicums, shallots,
silverbeet, spinach, snow peas, strawberries, peas and rhubarb all grow well in
pots without needing dwarf varieties.
The secret to growing any vegetables in pots follows the same principles
as growing in the ground.
Start with the
best quality soil or potting mix, mulch with an organic material (I like
organic sugar cane mulch that is free from weeds), fertilise with a complete
organic slow release fertiliser and liquid fertilise fortnightly with a
complete organic liquid fertiliser.
like using the Plant of Health range of fertilisers – Organic Link and Triple Boost and Searles' range of garden soil and potting mix - Peat 80 Plus
I find the cooler months
are the best time for growing herbs. Nearly
all the herbs are available now. Herbs grow well in the garden or in pots and
most herbs can be grouped together in pots to make mini herb gardens.
The best thing about
growing cool season vegetables is that it’s usually too cold for the pests to
be out and about. If you do get a few
pests a pyrethrum based spray
or one of the new organic sprays like eco oil or eco fend work well. Mildew and mould is a common problem during
wet winters - copper spray (some
are considered organic) can be the best solution.
I have heard that having pretend white butterflies in your vegetable
patch not only looks pretty but helps deter moths.
Remember though the
healthier the soil, the healthier the plants and the less likely you are to get
problems. Now get outside and get dirty!
Springtime Surprise
Something that always gives me great pleasure in the garden is bulbs, corms and tubers.
While I am over wishing I could have the spring display like they do in Europe or even Melbourne. I now appreciate the spring flowering bulbs that grow in my not so cold climate.
Bulbs, corms
and tubers are all sometimes erroneously referred to as bulbs. The technical
term for plants that form underground storage organs is geophyte.
All these types of plants cycle
through vegetative and reproductive growth stages; the bulb grows to flowering
size during the vegetative stage and the plant flowers during the reproductive
These plants need certain
conditions to trigger the transition from one stage to the next, such as the
shift from a cold winter to warm spring. Due to the bulb, corm or tuber being a
storage device these plants can also survive adverse
conditions such as cold, excessive heat, lack of light or drought.
The foliage of these plants
absorbs nutrients from the soil and energy from the sun for setting flowers for
the next year. After the foliage period
is completed, bulbs can be dug up for replanting elsewhere.
If we lived in Holland, autumn
is the time to plant daffodils and tulips, as they flower in spring, but here
these bulbs don’t grow that well or easily.
Don’t despair though we can still plant some beautiful bulbs, corms, and tubers at this time of year. Lucky for us we usually have a short winter too so our spring flowering bulbs, corms and tubers are usually up and flowering before other cities.

Freesias, hyacinths, ranunculi, babiana and iris’ are all available at Trevallan
Lifestyle Centre and now is the time to plant.
As you know
I’m a no fuss gardener. There is probably an exact art to planting these plants
but I find the easiest way is to make sure your soil is healthy and loose then plant
your bulb right way up (instructions are on the packets!) and cover with soil. Sun is necessary. I like to put a little bit
of Organic Link fertilizer on top of the soil at this stage. Water the area
like a normal garden – making sure it’s wet but not a bog. Once the leaf or
flower starts to appear I use Triple Boost liquid fertiliser weekly. After
flowering I give it a little more Organic Link to give it some nutrients to
store for next season.
Some people
lift, dig up, their bulbs each year and store them until the next season. I
don’t as I find I can’t store them very well and they end up dying, so I leave
mine in the ground. Sometimes I dig them
up and break up the clumps so I can get more but then I usually replant them
straight away.
bulbs and the like die down and then reappear I like them planted in amongst
other plants so each year I get little flowering surprises in my garden.
Give your
garden a little surprise this spring and plant some bulbs today.
garden centre,
nursery Ipswich,
spring flowers,
Trevallan Lifestyle Centre,
77 Fernvale Road, Brassall QLD 4305, Australia
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Talking Dirty
Last week on Trevallan Lifestyle Centre's Facebook page I posed the question "what gardening terms do you use that people think you've made up, don't understand or have a little giggle at your expense?"
There were some great examples given and I thought I'd enlighten you all with some gardening terms that I find I use and people think I have started to talk in my own special language.
Deciduous, pronounced dih-sij-oo-uhs, is the term I am most often asked to explain. Deciduous means "falling off at maturity" or "tending to fall off", and it is typically used when talking about plants that lose their leaves seasonally. Many plants especially in cooler regions drop their leaves in autumn, have a dormant period through the winter and then come alive again in the spring. In some subtropical and arid regions plants lose their leaves during the dry season and have a dormant period until the wet season begins.
Active Constituent
Active constituents are the substance/s in an agvet (agricultural and veterinary) chemical product primarily responsible for a product's biological or other effects.
For example Glyphosate is the active constituent in most weed killers. In horticulture, companies register products with different trade names but you will often find the active constituent is the same. Trade names such as Yates Zero, Searles Dead Weed, Brunnings Weedkill all contain the same active constituent - glyphosate. When dealing with chemicals in gardening know your active constituents and you'll never have to rely on trade names again.
This next one can cause a few giggles - Bisexuality and plants
A Bisexual flower or perfect flower is when flower has both the essential whorls i.e., androecium and gynoecium (male and female reproductive units). Some examples are Lilies, Roses, Sweet Peas.
When it comes to fruit and vegetables we generally use the term bisexual plant. So the plant has male and female flowers on it. You do not need two separate plants. For example a pumpkin will usually produce both male and female flowers and then hopefully insects pollinate the females and your pumpkins grow big and strong.
Self-watering pots
Now unless you have gnomes in your garden doing all your dirty work there is no such thing as a self-watering pot. When you buy a self-watering pot you still have to water.
In a self-watering pot you have a very large saucer or water well and the soil is held above the water well with a false bottom. The water well and the soil are usually connected by a wick of some sort.
As water is used by the plant, capillary action draws more water up from below, exactly as much as is needed and no more. The soil has just the right amount of water all the time, but also maintains air pockets, which the plant roots also need. This is great for plants that don't like over watered as you just fill the bottom chamber.
While self-watering pots are great I find they only really work once the plant has an established root ball.
This weekend talk dirty with someone and show off your new gardening knowledge.
Brighten your Garden with Oranges, Yellows and Pinks.
This is an I love it or I hate it plant.
My mum loves them. I must admit I verge on the opposing side. Why on earth would I write about them if they are on my not so favourite list?
Well as with many things these plants have grown on me over the years and as with many plants there seems to be a time and a place for them.
Ixoras are native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, with many of them in Tropical Asia. These plants typically can't handle frosts so if you are in a frost prone area these may not be for you. Some Ixoras are more prone to being cold affected while others can handle a little bit of cold.
Ixoras have dark green leathery leaves and produce large clusters of tiny flowers in the summer and autumn. The more common Ixoras usually have orange, gold, pink or red flowers. Ixoras prefer acidic soil and usually like a little shelter from our blazing summer sun. In saying that I have seen many gorgeous Ixoras growing in full sun and full shade. They don't mind being in pots or the ground.
Prince of Orange has fiery orange flowers and can grow around two meters tall. The dwarf orange and yellow grow to around 1/2 metre. These look amazing in pots but I have seen them in gardens trimmed into a hedge and they look stunning when in flower. You can hardly see their green leaves.
My favourite Ixora is Pink Malay. Why do I love it? Not just because it gets covered in pink flowers but because it is so hardy. This Ixora is absolutely amazing; growing to around a metre it can handle full sun and shade. It can grow in pots or the garden and I have seen it successfully growing in a shopping centre car park. Yes that's right, a shopping centre car park. A place that has no good soil, no mulch, no care, only rain fall and it looks glorious. This is why I love this plant.
Ixoras like all my plants get fertilised with Organic Link and Triple Boost. I use Searles' Peat 80 potting mix for pots and Searles' garden soil for gardens.
There is a grub that likes to destroy your Ixora flower heads. There are a few ways to combat this - You can mix neem oil in with your fortnightly Triple Boost or I sometimes use Searles' Bug Beater. Eco-oil would also work. Sooty mould can also form on the leaves. This can be caused by scale and ants. Give your plant a really good soil drench and use a soil wetter if necessary. Fertilise and spray with Eco-oil. In a fortnight or so you should be able to hose off the soot and hopefully the ants would have dissipated.
This autumn brighten up your dull spots with shades of orange, yellow and pink.
autumn colour,
easy care,
garden centre,
nursery Ipswich,
Saturday, 1 March 2014
The Dirty Dozen
I'm getting a little gardening bored. It's still too early to be planting my winter vegetables and my vegetable patch is cleaned, composted, mulched and waiting. My few gardens are fertilised, trimmed and waiting for cooler weather to start planting out more. My lawns are fertilised, soil wetted and weed killed - just waiting on rain to green them up.
So what does one do when garden bored - they start dreaming big. I think I have about 40 seed packets of the things I'd like to grow this winter.
So I may have gotten a little over excited. So how do I narrow it down?
Lucky for me I came across an interesting article on the extremely high amounts of pesticide residue on frozen berries. The interesting thing was most of the residue of pesticides banned in Australia. This happens because most frozen berry companies get their berries from a variety of overseas sources.
The old mind clogs started turning over and after a bit more research I discovered the 'Dirty Dozen' and the 'Clean Fifteen'.
These are two lists released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) each year.
The Dirty Dozen, a list of the fruits and vegetables likely to contain the highest amounts of pesticide residue. The Clean 15 is a list of fruits and vegetables least likely to contain pesticides.
The EWG take into account how people typically wash and prepare produce - for example, apples were washed and bananas peeled before testing.
The “Dirty Dozen” for 2013 were (number one being the most highest in pesticide residue)
1. Apples
2. Strawberries
3. Grapes
4. Celery
5. Peaches
6. Spinach
7. Sweet bell peppers
8. Nectarines
9. Cucumbers
10. Potatoes
11. Cherry tomatoes
12. Hot peppers
The EWG also added kale/collard greens and summer squash as a plus last year as they may contain organophosphate insecticides, which EWG characterizes as "highly toxic" and of special concern.
Did you know that all of these you can grow at home in pots or gardens?
Armed with this information planning my winter vegetable patch has become a little easier. Apart from cucumbers all of the 'Dirty Dozen' can be grown at home this winter. Cucumbers prefer warmer weather.
I honestly don't know why cherry tomatoes are on the list. I have no idea why anyone would need to spray these. If anyone has ever grown cherry tomatoes you would know how easy these plants are and how unsusceptible they are to disease and insects.
I have also potted a raspberry, a fig and a dwarf peach just for fun too.
I know you are all wondering what the 'Clean fifteen' are. So here it is
1. Asparagus
2. Avocados
3. Cabbage
4. Cantaloupe
5. Sweet corn
6. Eggplant
7. Grapefruit
8. Kiwi
9. Mangoes
10. Mushrooms
11. Onions
12. Papayas
13. Pineapples
14. Sweet peas (frozen)
15. Sweet potatoes
Don't get gardening bored, plan big and include the 'Dirty Dozen' in your backyard.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
It's who you know
I was horrified the other day to hear a story. The story basically went like this:
"A customer was in the green life section of a rather large store that sold thousands of items including gardening necessities. She overheard a staff member telling another customer to use a particular potting mix as it was the best on the market. Curious, she moved closer to see what they were talking about only to find out the staff member was promoting composted fertiliser as potting mix. The unsuspecting customers bought three bags along with plants. "
What horrifies me is this particular product even states on the bag 'this is NOT a potting mix'. These first time gardeners were about to make a huge mistake that would probably cost them the life of their plants.
This is not the real problem. The real problem occurs when these people kill these plants due to wrong information. They then get upset at the waste of time, energy and most of all money spent on gardening only to have everything die.
The correct information is so important. The best place to get correct information is at a place that specialises in that particular subject.
If you want correct and helpful advice on gardening - visit your local garden centre.
Garden centre's have fully qualified expert staff. Staff who are not only experts but who are local and have all suffered the same gardening problems that you suffer. Garden centre staff enjoy helping you through your gardening problems, taking the confusion away and giving you back the joy of gardening. Gardening is usually our passion.
I know at Trevallan our staff have over 30 years of gardening experience. Staff are constantly kept up to date of products entering the shop and market by attending supplier information sessions. We are members of the Nursery and Garden Industry Association and apply their strict regulations. Our staff are Certified Nursery Professionals and have won many awards for our service to horticulture.
We don't need a thousand gardening items on our shelves. We just need the ones we know work and use ourselves.
Our gardens are an investment. To make sure that investment prospers we need great down to earth advice.
Next time you decide to improve your plant life balance and give your life some TLC make sure you visit the gardening experts - Trevallan Lifestyle Centre - your local garden centre.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Bloomin' Fabulous
A common question I am asked is "why didn't my fruit trees fruit profusely or if they did why was the fruit misshapen?" Or "why didn't my camellias and azaleas flower as well this year?" Or even "why are all my coloured foliaged plants like crotons and dracaenas losing their colour?"
The answer is usually quite simple - Your garden just needs some TLC and a little Potash!

It aids in disease resistance and frost protection by strengthening the plants cell walls. It helps in seed and root development. It encourages strong new growth and helps with the formation of flower buds and fruit.
Potash can improve the quality and the colour of flowers and enhances the formation of proteins and sugars in fruit. Potash can even help plants with slender stems and large flower heads such as Iceland poppies and gerberas hold their heads erect.
Potash defective cues can be seen in a number of ways in your plant. Your plants might be showing signs of overall weakness especially in its stem. It could have yellowing leaf margins and grow more slowly. It could also be disease prone and its fruit and flowers will be small and poorly coloured and sometimes tasteless.
Don't confuse a potash deficiency though with an unhealthy plant. Always make sure you have given your plant some complete slow release organic fertiliser like Organic Link first.
It seems that many Australian soils are low in potassium (potash).
Complete fertilisers, whether they are chemical or organic, usually contain potash. Organic Link contains potash. An N:P:K ratio can usually be found on the fertiliser label. A very quick explanation of the N:P:K ratio is - N stands for Nitrogen (greening, growing), P Phosphorus (roots) and K Potassium (fruiting, flowering).
If you use mainly a manure based fertiliser like blood and bone or chicken manure you will need to add potash as these products don’t naturally contain it.
Potash also is available by itself in a liquid form and a granular form.
The liquid form is added to water and used as a foliar spray. Used like this it is quick acting but not long lasting and needs to be repeated on a fortnightly basis. This is best for promoting flowers especially on annuals. I use Plant of Health's Potash and Silica.
The granular form is added to the soil and watered in. The granular is slower acting but lasts a lot longer. This is best for correcting deficiencies, promoting fruit and stimulating coloured foliage. We use Searles' Potash.
The liquid form is added to water and used as a foliar spray. Used like this it is quick acting but not long lasting and needs to be repeated on a fortnightly basis. This is best for promoting flowers especially on annuals. I use Plant of Health's Potash and Silica.
The granular form is added to the soil and watered in. The granular is slower acting but lasts a lot longer. This is best for correcting deficiencies, promoting fruit and stimulating coloured foliage. We use Searles' Potash.
This weekend I want you all to get some granular potash and go a little silly in your gardens. Your winter blooming plants like camellias and azaleas will love you and your citrus trees will adore you.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Gardens and Unicorns
Did you make a New Year's resolution? Have you kept it?
I read a funny saying the other day about New Year's resolutions. It read "My New Years resolution is to become a unicorn". I think many of us tend to over exaggerate our expectations of ourselves. In doing this our New Years resolutions become a bit of a fantasy.
For this reason I don't make New Years resolutions anymore.
I like to say instead - I have set my intentions for the year ahead.
So if right now you had to set your intentions for year ahead, what would they be?
Is this the year for that vegetable patch or to start landscaping the back yard. Maybe it's something really simple like this year I intend to start caring for my plants more.
Nothing too over the top - we don't want yards full of unicorns!
I think the first step is being honest with ourselves. So many of us don't like being wrong. I of course don't have a problem with being wrong because I'm always right......
I find my biggest hurdle in sharing gardening knowledge is asking people to be honest about their soil.
In theory we all water well and fertilise our plants. But how much of this water and fertiliser is really getting into our soils and how much is the plant really getting?
With this continued horrible heat we are experiencing our plants will dry out much sooner than we think. Plus this heat and wind has a tendency to suck any excess moisture out of the soil and foliage of the plants.
Soils can become hydrophobic so quickly and this hydrophobia can lead to unhealthy plants and sometimes even the death of a plant. Even if you think you are a great waterer - hydrophobic soil can strike anywhere, anytime. It can happen in gardens, lawns and pots.
The problem with hydrophobic soil is that it doesn't just stop water from getting to your plant it can also stop fertilisers from penetrating the soil.
While mulching and composts can help, I find the quickest and easiest way to combat hydrophobic soil is with a soil wetter.
I know I've mentioned this before but I see this being a common problem. I also know from experience what a difference soil wetters can make. I use Searles Penetraide at Trevallan Lifestyle Centre and at home. There is a granular and a liquid. I prefer the liquid, my mother and sister prefer the granules. Both do a fantastic job.
Another product I love to use in this heat is my liquid fertiliser 'Silica and Potash'.
Regular use of Silica and Potash Foliar Spray reduces heat and frost damage as well as wind burn. It improves plant growth, flowering and fruit count. It also makes plants physically tougher – tough plants are more resistant to pest and fungal attack.
This weekend get rid of the unicorns and get a healthy thriving garden instead.
Monday, 27 January 2014
Is Green Manure just really Green Poo?
Wonderful blistering hot days, humidity that feels like we should be living in tropics, rain and winds that blow your roof off then cool days that make us wonder if that 50 degree day was just in our imagination.
This is what it feels like to live in Ipswich in the summer.
How would you fare in this weather? Hot, bothered, quick tempered?
I know I've been struggling, the smallest things bother me.
If I had a vegetable patch right now, I know I'd be pulling most of it up.
If the heat didn't kill everything off, the humidity probably would have.
In years past when I have had a vegetable patch in summer I have suffered with burnt leaves, white mould all over my cucumbers, tomato blight and then to top it all off grubs in my fruit (from fruit fly stings).
Which is why at this time of year I always sow a summer green manure crop.
Green manure crops are crops grown not to be harvested but instead to be incorporated into the soil before they reach maturity to contribute to the health of the soil.
It is an old technique of soil management that seems to have been forgotten by many gardeners and farmers. I think it's because we are no longer aware of the proven benefits and cost effectiveness of green manure crops.
Trevallan Lifestyle Centre stocks Eden Seeds, a seed company that only stocks old traditional open pollinated varieties of seed, preferably old Australian varieties and organically or bio-dynamically grown where possible. The green manure seeds packs contain a mix of seeds.
Green manure crops contribute directly to the fertility of your vegetable patch through the supply of important plant nutrients. Legumes, for instance, supply nitrogen because their roots form an association with soil-borne bacteria that can transform nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitrogen compounds that can be used by plants. Isn't nature wonderful? It's also just saved you money as now you don't need to add as much fertiliser to your vegetable patch.
Green manure crops can also contribute indirectly to nutrient supply. Just the process of decomposition of the crop aids in making further nutrients available that are already present in the soil but in a form that cannot be used by plants.
After the plants have grown and you incorporate them back into the soil you are supplying vast amounts of organic matter that is usually supplied by organic mulches. Once again saving you money - no need to buy organic mulch.
Drought resistance can also be improved as a lot of the crops are very deep rooted. Their roots can penetrate the subsoil and open it up. Next season's crops can also obtain plant nutrients from the subsoil once it is opened by deep rooted green manure crops.
So this weekend get dirty and take out all your hot weather anger on your vegetable patch by pulling everything up and planting some green manure crops.
Your winter vegetables will thank you.
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