Tracey Patterson

love my garden.
gives me such great pleasure to work in it, regularly adding to and
re-sculpting its design and composition. At the end of a long day, I enjoy
nothing more than relaxing with my husband and family, surrounded by my
beautifully landscaped ‘canvas’, replete with trees, bushes, shrubs and
colourful flowers. My husband and I have spent many happy hours together
creating our ‘master piece’, and we continue to derive much enjoyment from the
time we spend developing, altering and ‘refocusing’our horticultural efforts in
our on-going quest for perfection!
quaint letter-box welcomes you to my garden. As we cross the bridge, the
rippling water echoes the serenity of its goldfish inhabitants.
garden offers peace and tranquillity, a place of solitude to ease the tensions
of a busy day. Its calming influence on my family and my pets is legendary!
garden is welcoming, with its fascinating colour blends and intricate design.
It is so therapeutic to stroll around catching glimpses of my hand-made glass
mosaic objects, which all have their own special spots.
plants in my many pots scattered throughout the garden are so diverse,
interesting and attractive. We also have two reclusive ‘pot men’ peering
through the palms!
garden means so much to me.
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