Barry Beetham
My garden satisfies my eyes, my nose, my tongue, my stomach
and my muscles. It even contributes to my sleep.

My tongue and stomach? Sensational dragon fruit, heavy bunches
of bananas, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, caulies, gooseberries, cassava,
mangoes, strawberries, figs, Ceylon Hill Cherries, sweet potatoes, peas, beans
and so much more really do satisfy my tongue and stomach.
Walk into the garden and there is always something to do –
exercise the doctor says is essential for good health; yes my garden satisfies
my muscles. And sleep? Yes getting tired for garden work contributes to my satisfying

Hence now red, orange and white zygo cacti have been added to
the collection of purple zygo cactus. There are leaves large and small in a
variety of greens. Not just one orange tree or mandarin but several with blood
orange, Valencia and Washington navel. Tight skinned and loose skinned
mandarins as well. There is a variety of tubers to eat such as cassaa, sweet potato
and English potato.
Yes my garden is an enormous part of my life and is well a
passion and I love it.
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